There is no doubt that forwarding is a constantly evolving industry that constantly surprises. For this reason, we are constantly looking for new employees, including those from across our eastern border. There are many reasons why it is worth working for us – first of all, we are an employer with a firmly established position on the market. We focus on honesty, integrity, and the development of each person we hire. Therefore, if you are looking for an interesting, challenging and rewarding job in an international environment, we invite you to contact us.
A wide range of Elkor jobs
We are looking for professional CE cat. drivers, car mechanics, as well as good international forwarding agents (special education is not required). We offer stable full-time employment based on an employment contract. We focus on good relationships with our employees and customers. You can start working at any time, you will find offers on our website.
Improve your professional qualifications with us. We invite you to start working with Elkor.
If you are constantly browsing job offers and don’t know where to submit your resume, contact us. We will introduce you to the position and familiarize you with the scope of your duties – you certainly won’t regret working for us, numerous opinions of our employees, also foreigners prove this. We guarantee that you will be perfectly taken care of and you will feel at home with us.
Job opportunities for eastern workers
People who have come to our country from across the eastern border are very welcome. Jobs as a freight forwarder or international driver are just some of the positions we offer. Responsibilities are, of course, to be determined. We appreciate your ability to work under time pressure, reliability, personal culture and commitment to assigned duties and property. A contract of employment is a standard with us, so no need to worry – for people from Ukraine or Belarus we also provide all the formalities for residence, legalization of work and all other necessary issues so that your stay in our country will be not only possible but also pleasant.
водіїв категорії C + E в міжнародних перевезеннях
- легальне працевлаштування
- Польські умови працевлаштування
- без посередників
- Водійське посвідчення категорії C + E
- Чіп-карта / електронна карта тахографа
- досвід керування вантажними автомобілями
tel: 0048 505 506 519, Viber, WhatsApp
Opis stanowiska:
- Bieżąca naprawa samochodów ciężarowych VOLVO, SCANIA, MERCEDEZ- BENZ
- Doświadczenie na podobnym stanowisku
- Wykształcenie kierunkowe lub praktyczna wiedza z zakresu mechaniki pojazdów
- Prawo jazdy kat. B
tel: 0048 505 506 519, Viber, WhatsApp
Опис посади:
- Поточний ремонт вантажних автомобілів VOLVO, SCANIA, MERCEDEZ- BENZ
- Досвід роботи на схожій посаді
- Професійна освіта за даним напрямком або практичні знання з області механіки транспортних засобів
- Водійське посвідчення кат. B
tel: 0048 505 506 519, Viber, WhatsApp
Opis stanowiska:
- Organizowanie, nadzór i bieżąca obsługa przewozów
- Optymalizacja kosztów realizacji zleceń
- Dbałość o efektywne wykorzystanie własnego taboru
- Kontakt z kierowcami oraz klientami
- Nawiązywanie kontaktów z klientami oraz pozyskiwanie zleceń spedycyjnych
- Raportowanie działań
- Doświadczenie w branży TSL
- Bardzo dobra znajomość języka angielskiego i/lub niemieckiego i/lub francuskiego
- Umiejętność planowania i optymalnego wykorzystania czasu pracy i jazdy kierowcy
- Odporność na stres i umiejętność pracy pod presją czasu